Storyteller - Hard on the Outside Stamp

Storyteller – Hard on the Outside Stamp Answer

What you need to do?

This stamp can be earned in Chapter 12 – Cured of Vampirism.

To earn this stamp, you’ll need upset the Professor to the point of tears.

Unfortunately, fearing for his own life is not a good enough to get a tear from him, surprisingly.

Instead, you’ll need to think of way to make him very sad instead.

As the title of the stamp would imply, it turns out the Professor is actually a rather empathetic person on the inside. Show him something he should be sad about.

How to get the Hard on the Outside stamp in Storyteller

Panel 1

Storyteller - Hard on the Outside Stamp Panel 1

Start with a Night scene to have Dracula turn Jon into a Vampire.

Panel 2

Storyteller - Hard on the Outside Stamp Panel 2

Use a Crypt scene and have Mira see the vampiric Jon.

Panel 3

Storyteller - Hard on the Outside Stamp Panel 3

Place a Professor scene to have Mira receive a wooden stake.

Panel 4

Storyteller - Hard on the Outside Stamp Panel 4

Use another Crypt scene and have Mira kill Jon.

Panel 5

Storyteller - Hard on the Outside Stamp Panel 5

Use a final Professor scene and place Jon’s corpse in front of the Professor.

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