Storyteller – A Kiss and a Curse

What you need to do?

Storyteller - A Kiss and a Curse Blank Page

The name says “a Kiss and a Curse”, but you don’t necessarily need to do them in that order.

So long as by the end of the story, both of these things have happened, you can carry them out i any order you’d prefer.

The Prince is a very shallow guy, he’s only into attractive people, so he definitely isn’t going to kiss the Witch if she’s all wrinkled!

Storyteller – A Kiss and a Curse Answer Option 1

Storyteller - A Kiss and a Curse Complete Option 1 - Curse and Kiss

How to do it

Panel 1

Storyteller - A Kiss and a Curse Option 1 Panel 1

Begin with a Kiss scene and have the Prince reject the ugly side of the Witch.

Panel 2

Storyteller - A Kiss and a Curse Option 1 Panel 2

Place a Forest scene to have the Witch take revenge and turn the Prince into a frog.

Panel 3

Storyteller - A Kiss and a Curse Option 1 Panel 3

Use a Cauldron scene to have the Witch turn beautiful.

Panel 4

Storyteller - A Kiss and a Curse Option 1 Panel 4

Use another Forest scene and have the froggy Prince explain what happened to the now beautiful Witch.

Panel 5

Storyteller - A Kiss and a Curse Option 1 Panel 5

Finish with another Kiss scene and let the Witch finally get her kiss with the Prince.

Storyteller – A Kiss and a Curse Answer Option 2

Storyteller - A Kiss and a Curse Complete Option 2 - Kiss and Curse

How to do it

Panel 1

Storyteller - A Kiss and a Curse Option 2 Panel 1

Begin with a Cauldron scene and have the Witch turn herself beautiful.

Panel 2

Storyteller - A Kiss and a Curse Option 2 Panel 2

Use a Kiss scene to have the Witch kiss the Prince.

Panel 3

Storyteller - A Kiss and a Curse Option 2 Panel 3

Place another Cauldron scene to have the Witch turn back into her true form.

Panel 4

Storyteller - A Kiss and a Curse Option 2 Panel 4

Use another Kiss scene and have the Prince reject the Witch’s true form.

Panel 5

Storyteller - A Kiss and a Curse Option 2 Panel 5

Finish with a Forest scene to have the Witch turn the Prince into a frog.

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