What are Achievements in Storyteller?
The Achievements for Storyteller are an additional collectible exclusive to Steam players. They are unobtainable for players on the Nintendo Switch and Mobile.
The Achievement list for Storyteller was changed and reduced massively in the First Major Update in September 2023 from how it first appeared in the Launch version of the game.
To give players on a platform other than Steam to work towards, many of the original Achievements from the Steam version of the game were reworked into the new Stamp system.
How to earn all Achievements in Storyteller?
The Crown

To earn The Crown achievement in Storyteller, you’ll need to obtain the Crown in the game. Who’d have guessed?!
You’ll obtain the Crown in the game once you have complete all 60 of the standard levels in the game and their optional objectives.

Once all of these levels have been finished, you will get to sit through a small ‘ceremony’ and then you’ll be able to claim the Crown. During this time, you’ll earn the achievement.

To earn the Mischief achievement in Storyteller, you need to unlock and complete all 10 of the Devil Levels.
For in-depth help unlocking and solving these additional puzzles, refer to our comprehensive guide.

To earn the Collector achievement in Storyteller, you’ll need to unlock and earn all 31 stamps available in the game.
For help with unlocking and earning all stamps, follow our All Stamps guide.
Worth It

The description of this achievement is very self-explanatory. You’ll need to play Storyteller for 2 hours in total to earn the achievement.
These two hours are cumulatively, so you won’t need to play consecutively to earn it.
If the achievement doesn’t unlock after you have played for over two hours, close out of the game and then reopen it. The achievement should pop.

To earn this achievement, you’ll need to mute the narrator in the game.
In the First Major Update in September 2023, the game was heavily updated from its launch version. Among many other things, the update added a narrator to the game.
The settings page can be accessed by clicking left from the first page, or by clicking the red Cog Tab the appears in the left side of the book.

On the right page, at the bottom is an option for ‘Narrator’. Set this option to Never and you’ll earn the achievement.

If you’re looking for even more Storyteller guides, you may be interested in our walkthrough for how to solve all of the game’s Devil Levels or earn all the Stamps!
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