Storyteller - Backstabber Stamp

Storyteller – Backstabber Stamp Answer

What you need to do?

This stamp can be earned in the Final Chapter – Knight and Maid Murder the Monarchs and Have an Affair.

As the title of the stamp suggests, you’ll need to go against the intended outcome of this puzzle to get your stamp.

The Maid’s key motivation here is the King.

She’ll need to get revenge for a wrongdoing against the King, but be warned, killing the King will leave her too heartbroken to act.

In fact, the only death needed for this stamp is the Knight himself. Outside of him, there’s just a lot of Kidnap scenes!

How to get the Backstabber stamp in Storyteller

Storyteller - Backstabber Stamp Answer

Panel 1

Storyteller - Backstabber Stamp Answer Panel 1

Begin with an Affair scene and have the Queen witness the King and Maid’s love affair.

Panel 2

Storyteller - Backstabber Stamp Answer Panel 2

Use a Kidnap scene to have the Queen arrest the King.

Panel 3

Storyteller - Backstabber Stamp Answer Panel 3

Use another Kidnap scene, but have the Maid free the King.

Panel 4

Storyteller - Backstabber Stamp Answer Panel 4

Place a third Kidnap scene to have the King now arrest the Queen.

Panel 5

Storyteller - Backstabber Stamp Answer Panel 5

Use another Kidnap scene to have the Knight free the Queen.

Panel 6

Storyteller - Backstabber Stamp Answer Panel 6

Use yet another Kidnap scene to have the Knight arrest the King.

Panel 7

Storyteller - Backstabber Stamp Answer Panel 7

Use a final Kidnap scene to have the Maid free the King.

Panel 8

Storyteller - Backstabber Stamp Answer Panel 8

Use a Cliff scene to have the Maid push the Knight of the edge to earn the stamp.

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