Storyteller - Detective Arrests Innocent

Storyteller – Detective Arrests Innocent

What you need to do?

Storyteller - Detective Arrests Innocent Blank Page

Unfortunately for someone in this story, an innocent person is going to get the blame for a murder they didn’t commit.

You’ll need to muddy the waters by placing a second pair of fingerprints on the gun.

Storyteller – Detective Arrests Innocent Answer

Storyteller - Detective Arrests Innocent Complete Page

How to do it

Panel 1

Storyteller - Detective Arrests Innocent Panel 1

Place a Gun scene, and have the Butler take the gun.

Panel 2

Storyteller - Detective Arrests Innocent Panel 2

Using a Ballroom scene, have the Butler kill the Duchess.

Panel 3

Storyteller - Detective Arrests Innocent Panel 3

Use another Gun scene and have the Butler return the gun to its stand.

Panel 4

Storyteller - Detective Arrests Innocent Panel 4

Use another Gun scene, but this time have the Duke admire the gun – this will put his fingerprints on the weapon.

Panel 5

Storyteller - Detective Arrests Innocent Panel 5

One final Gun scene; have the Detective inspect the gun and find the Duke’s fingerprints.

Panel 6

Storyteller - Detective Arrests Innocent Panel 6

Place a Ballroom scene and have the Detective arrest the Duke.

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