Storyteller - Everyone Dies Sad

Storyteller – Everyone Dies Sad

What you need to do?

Storyteller - Everyone Dies Sad Blank Page

Everyone dies sad is a variation of Heartbreak for Everyone in Chapter 3.

It appears that no-one’s allowed to be happy while the Devil’s in town. So you’ve got to make sure everyone is sad. Oh, and also dies!

The Devil doesn’t need to play such a huge role in this story Surprisingly, he only makes an appearance in a single panel.

Sometimes, all it takes is one slight interference to throw off the rest of everyone’s life.

Storyteller – Everyone Dies Sad Answer

Storyteller - Everyone Dies Sad Complete Page

How to do it

Panel 1

Storyteller - Everyone Dies Sad Panel 1

Start with a Wedding scene to marry Edgar and Lenora.

Panel 2

Storyteller - Everyone Dies Sad Panel 2

Use a Death scene. Place the Devil at the gravestone and Edgar in the mourning position. The Devil will spray on Lenora’s face.

Edgar will be sad that Lenora is ‘dead’.

Panel 3

Storyteller - Everyone Dies Sad Panel 3

Use a Wedding scene to have Bernard profess his love to Lenora. She will reject him because she’s married to Edgar, making Bernard sad.

Panel 4

Storyteller - Everyone Dies Sad Panel 4

Use a Death scene to show Lenora that Edgar is dead. This will make Lenora sad.

Panel 5

Storyteller - Everyone Dies Sad Panel 5

Use another Death scene to kill Lenora.

Panel 6

Storyteller - Everyone Dies Sad Panel 6

Use a final Death scene to kill Bernard.

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