Storyteller - Gluttony Stamp

Storyteller – Gluttony Stamp Answer

What you need to do?

You can earn this stamp in Chapter 10’s Punishment, which becomes Adam dies Twice when you unlock the Devil Levels.

This is one of those puzzles that are solved through repetition of similar panels over and over again.

You’ll need to give both Adam and Eve indigestion in order to earn the stamp, so bear that in mind in case you thought just the one would be sufficient.

How to get the Gluttony stamp in Storyteller

All of the panels for this puzzle use the Tempt scene.

Panel 1

Storyteller - Gluttony Stamp Panel 1

Begin by tempting Adam.

Panel 2

Storyteller - Gluttony Stamp Panel 2

Have Adam now offer Eve an apple.

Panel 3

Storyteller - Gluttony Stamp Panel 3

Have Eve offer an apple to Adam

Panel 4

Storyteller - Gluttony Stamp Panel 4

Have Adam offer another apple to Eve.

Panel 5

Storyteller - Gluttony Stamp Panel 5

Have Eve offer Adam another apple and his stomach will start to hurt.

Panel 6

Storyteller - Gluttony Stamp Panel 6

Finish by having Adam offer another apple to Eve, now her stomach will hurt.

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