Storyteller - Knight Imprisons Queen

Storyteller – Knight Imprisons Queen

What you need to do?

Storyteller - Knight Imprisons Queen Blank Page

This is the final new puzzle in the first major update to the game, and it’s quite the head scratcher!

For this puzzle you’ll need to find a way to make the Knight become angry enough with the Queen to imprison her!

Storyteller – Knight Imprisons Queen Answer

Storyteller - Knight Imprisons Queen Complete Page

How to do it

Panel 1

Storyteller - Knight Imprisons Queen Panel 1

Start with a Kidnap scene and have the Devil kidnap the Queen.

Panel 2

Storyteller - Knight Imprisons Queen Panel 2

Use a Death scene and have the Devil fake the Queen’s death for the Knight to see.

Panel 3

Storyteller - Knight Imprisons Queen Panel 3

Place a Throne scene and have the Knight reluctantly take the crown.

Panel 4

Storyteller - Knight Imprisons Queen Panel 4

Use another Kidnap scene to have the Knight free the Queen.

Panel 5

Storyteller - Knight Imprisons Queen Panel 5

Place a Wedding scene and have the Queen feign interest in the Knight to claim her right to the throne again.

Panel 6

Storyteller - Knight Imprisons Queen Panel 6

Place an Execute scene and have the Devil interfere with the equipment.

Panel 7

Storyteller - Knight Imprisons Queen Panel 7

Use another Execute scene and have the Queen attempt to kill the Knight – unfortunately, it isn’t going to go her way!

Panel 8

Storyteller - Knight Imprisons Queen Panel 8

Finish with a final Kidnap scene to have the Knight imprison the Queen.

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