Storyteller - Logical Explanation Stamp

Storyteller – Logical Explanation Stamp Answer

What you need to do?

This stamp can be earned in Chapter 12 – Dragon: Queen Gets Baron Arrested.

To earn this stamp, you’ll need to have the Detective outwit the “Dragon” and find the truth on his own.

A key thing to keep in mind to help find the answer on your own is that the Detective won’t investigate if he doesn’t suspect anything to begin with; it doesn’t even have to be an actual crime!

So, how can you give him something to investigate?

How to get the Logical Explanation stamp in Storyteller

Panel 1

Storyteller - Logical Explanation Stamp Answer Panel 1

Start with a Disguise scene to have the Baron change into his Dragon costume.

Panel 2

Storyteller - Logical Explanation Stamp Answer Panel 2

Use a Ballroom scene and have the Detective run into the “Dragon”.

Panel 3

Storyteller - Logical Explanation Stamp Answer Panel 3

Use another Disguise scene to have the Baron change out of his Dragon costume.

Panel 4

Storyteller - Logical Explanation Stamp Answer Panel 4

With another Disguise scene, have the Detective find the Baron’s fingerprints on the costume.

Panel 5

Storyteller - Logical Explanation Stamp Answer Panel 5

Use a final Disguise scene to have the Baron change back into his Dragon costume.

Panel 6

Storyteller - Logical Explanation Stamp Answer Panel 6

Conclude the investigation with a Ballroom scene and have the Detective arrest the “Dragon”.

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