Storyteller - Low Bar Stamp Answer

Storyteller – Low Bar Stamp Answer

What you need to do?

You can earn this stamp in Tiny Gets a Kiss, which can be found in Chapter 5’s Deceit page.

To earn this stamp, you’ll need to make the Mirror praise Tiny.

In order to achieve this, you’ll need to take out the main competition. Not through killing them, luckily!

Tiny won’t need to do anything during this story until his shining moment.

Instead, it’ll be the Witch that will carry out much of the leg work. However, you’ll need to make sure she’s adequately motivated first!

How to get the Low Bar stamp in Storyteller

Panel 1

Storyteller - Low Bar Stamp Answer Panel 1

Begin by using a Wedding scene to marry Edgar and Lenora.

Panel 2

Storyteller - Low Bar Stamp Answer Panel 2

Place an Amnesia scene to wipe Edgar’s memory.

Panel 3

Storyteller - Low Bar Stamp Answer Panel 3

Use another Wedding scene to now marry Edgar with Isobel.

Panel 4

Storyteller - Low Bar Stamp Answer Panel 4

Use another Wedding scene to now marry Edgar with Isobel.

Panel 5

Storyteller - Low Bar Stamp Answer Panel 5

Finish with a final Wedding scene to have Lenora and Isobel meet and find out they’re both married to Edgar.

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