Storyteller - Second Chance Stamp

Storyteller – Second Chance Stamp Answer

What you need to do?

The Second Chance stamp can be earned in Chapter 5’s Duplicity: A Kiss and a Curse/ the Devil variant: Heartbroken Frog.

To earn this stamp, the Prince will need to earn a second chance with the Witch.

This stamp is actually a potential solution to the Kiss and a Curse puzzle.

If you’d already reach this answer while making your way through the main game, return to the level and you’ll automatically unlock the stamp.

How to get the Second Chance stamp in Storyteller

Panel 1

Storyteller - Second Chance Stamp Panel 1

Start with a Kiss scene to have the Witch be rejected by the Prince

Panel 2

Storyteller - Second Chance Stamp Panel 2

Use a Forest scene to have the Witch turn Snowy into a Frog.

Panel 3

Storyteller - Second Chance Stamp Panel 3

Place a Kiss scene and have the Prince reject the Witch.

Panel 4

Storyteller - Second Chance Stamp Panel 4

Use another Forest scene to have the Witch turn the Prince into a frog as well.

Panel 5

Storyteller - Second Chance Stamp Panel 5

Place a final Forest scene. This time, have both the Prince and Snowy meet in their frog forms to explain the situation.

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