What you need to do?

Spouses reject each other is a variation of Surviving Spouses Find Comfort from Chapter 2.
All characters in this story are typically very loyal, so the Devil is going to need to pull the strings to place the characters’ priorities elsewhere in order to solve this puzzle.
Surely, a grieving spouse can’t mourn forever. They’re bound to need to move on eventually, right?
But what would happen if the spouses never died to begin with? What would happen then?
Storyteller – Spouses Reject Each Other Answer

How to do it
Panel 1

Start by using a Wedding scene to marry Edgar and Lenora.
Panel 2

Use a Death scene. Place the Devil over the gravestone; place Edgar to mourn. The Devil will spray on Lenora face.
Panel 3

Use another Death scene. Place the Devil at the gravestone again, and place Lenora to mourn. The Devil will draw Edgar’s face on for her.
Panel 4

Place a Wedding scene to have Edgar now marry Bernard.
Panel 5

Place another Wedding scene and marry Lenora and Isobel.
Panel 6

Finish with a final Wedding scene. Place both Edgar and Lenora, who will reject each other as they’ve moved on.
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