Storyteller - Three Heads Roll

Storyteller – Three Heads Roll

What you need to do?

Storyteller - Three Heads Roll Blank Page

Only one will be left standing when this story is said and done.

It’ll be the Queen that sees herself through to the end, so keep that in mind.

What do you think you’ll need to do to initiate this string of events? After all, a beheading is quite the final action. It’ll take a fair bit of trouble to evoke that as a response.

Storyteller – Three Heads Roll Answer

Storyteller - Three Heads Roll Complete Page

How to do it

Panel 1

Storyteller - Three Heads Roll Panel 1

Begin with a Kidnap scene and have the Baron kidnap the Queen.

Panel 2

Storyteller - Three Heads Roll Panel 2

Use another Kidnap scene and have the Knight rescue the Queen.

Panel 3

Storyteller - Three Heads Roll Panel 3

Place an Execute scene to have the Queen behead the Baron. One down, two to go!

Panel 4

Storyteller - Three Heads Roll Panel 4

Use an Affair scene and have the King spy on the Queen and the Knight’s love affair.

Panel 5

Storyteller - Three Heads Roll Panel 5

Use another Execute scene to have the King behead the Knight for his betrayal. Two down, only one left!

Panel 6

Storyteller - Three Heads Roll Panel 6

Finish with a final Execute scene and have the Queen get revenge against the King. Three heads roll.

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