What you need to do?

Tiny wants a kiss!
Unfortunately, it isn’t as simple as putting him in front a willing participant, because none of them are willing – at least, none that Tiny’s interested in…
Who can you get to kiss Tiny, and how?
Storyteller – Tiny Gets a Kiss Answer

How to do it
Panel 1

Begin with a Mirror scene and have the Witch become jealous of Snowy’s beauty.
Panel 2

Place a Forest scene and have the Witch transform Snowy into a frog.
Panel 3

Use another Forest scene, to have Snowy explain the situation to the Tiny.
Panel 4

Use a Kiss scene, and have Tiny kiss the frog-ified Snowy.
Storyteller – Tiny Gets a Kiss… Ungrateful Maiden Answer

This optional objective is very easy to tack on to the end of the main solution.
It only requires an additional panel to what you’ve already got!
How to do it
Panels 1-4
Complete as in the above answer.
Panel 5

Conclude with another Kiss scene between Snowy and Tiny, unfortunately for Tiny, Snowy will no longer want to kiss him.
Poor Tiny, man…
Storyteller – Tiny Gets a Kiss… Prince Saves Tiny Answer

How to do it
Panel 1

Begin with a Mirror scene and have the Witch be told she isn’t the fairest in all the land.
Panel 2

Place a Forest scene and have the Witch transform Snowy into a frog.
Panel 3

Place a Kiss scene and have Tiny reject the Witch.
Panel 4

Use another Forest scene to have the Witch transform Tiny into a frog as well.
Panel 5

Use one final Forest scene, place both the Prince and Snowy to have Snowy explain the situation to the Prince.
Panel 6

Use a Kiss scene, and instead of Snowy, place the Prince and Tiny.
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