Storyteller - Werther Stamp

Storyteller – Werther Stamp Answer

What you need to do?

This stamp can be earned in Chapter 4 – Poison: Lenora Drinks Poison.

This is a short and sweet stamp to earn, you just need to know the story the stamp is alluding to.

The Sorrow of Young Werther depicts the tale of a young man experiencing unrequited love.

Therefore, you will need to have one of the male characters be rejected and take his own life.

How to get the Werther stamp in Storyteller

Panel 1

Storyteller - Werther Stamp Panel 1

Use a Wedding scene and marry Edgar and Lenora.

Panel 2

Storyteller - Werther Stamp Panel 2

Use another Wedding scene and have Bernard be rejected by either of the spouses.

Panel 3

Storyteller - Werther Stamp Panel 3

Use a Poison scene to have Bernard take his life.

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