Storyteller - Tiny Murders Uncle to Avenge His Father

Storyteller – Tiny Murders Uncle to Avenge His Father

What you need to do?

Storyteller - Tiny Murders Uncle to Avenge His Father Blank Page

We’ve had an achievement for playing out Romeo & Juliet, so why not have a retelling of Hamlet?

Much like Tiny Avenges His Brother, you’ll need to be creative with the Family scene to create an uncle role.

Think carefully about how the family tree works with uncles.

Storyteller – Tiny Murders Uncle to Avenge His Father Answer

Storyteller - Tiny Murders Uncle to Avenge His Father Complete Page

How to do it

Panel 1

Storyteller - Tiny Murders Uncle to Avenge His Father Panel 1

Begin with a Family scene and have Bluey tell Greeny that he’s his father.

Panel 2

Storyteller - Tiny Murders Uncle to Avenge His Father Panel 2

Use another Family scene and have Bluey tell Hatey that he’s also his father. Making Greeny and Hatey brothers.

Panel 3

Storyteller - Tiny Murders Uncle to Avenge His Father Panel 3

Use a final Family scene to have Greeny tell Tiny that he is his father. This makes Hatey Tiny’s uncle.

Panel 4

Storyteller - Tiny Murders Uncle to Avenge His Father Panel 4

Use a Wedding scene to have Greeny marry Peachy.

Panel 5

Storyteller - Tiny Murders Uncle to Avenge His Father Panel 5

Use another Wedding scene but have Peachy reject Hatey.

Panel 6

Storyteller - Tiny Murders Uncle to Avenge His Father Panel 6

Using a Cliff scene, have Hatey push Greeny off the edge.

Panel 7

Storyteller - Tiny Murders Uncle to Avenge His Father Panel 7

Place a Seance scene to have Greeny tell Tiny that he was killed by Hatey.

Panel 8

Storyteller - Tiny Murders Uncle to Avenge His Father Panel 8

Use a final Cliff scene to have Tiny push Hatey.

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