Where to find Puzzle 031?

Puzzle 031 – Racetrack Riddle is found by speaking to Marco on Manor Road when on your search for Ramon. You will need to speak to him twice for him to ask you to solve the puzzle.
How many picarats is Puzzle 031 worth?
Puzzle 031 is worth 30 picarats.
How to solve Puzzle 031?
There are three horses in a race that run at different speeds. How many minutes will pass until they’re all lined up at the starting line again?

The distance three racehorses can run around the racetrack in one minute is listed below.
Horse A: Two laps.
Horse B: Three laps.
Horse C: Four laps.
The horses line up at the starting line and start running in the same direction. How many minutes will pass before all three horses line up at the starting line again?
Does the number of laps a horse can run matter to this puzzle?
Think about how each horse’s speed is calculated – how is each lap measured? What does that tell you?
What are the hints for Puzzle 031?
Hint 1

Someone in a hurry might jump to the conclusion that you need to find the lowest common multiple between the three numbers.
Read the problem over again and see if you can’t clear things up for yourself.
Hint 2

The three horses each run at different speeds. To measure the horses’ speeds, the problem tells you how many laps each horse can do in one minute.
The horses all run whole laps per minute, so at least you don’t have to deal with strange speeds.
Hint 3

One horse runs two laps in one minute, one runs three laps in one minute, and one runs four laps in one minute.
Where will the horses be one minute after they start running?
Puzzle 031 Answer
All the horses will be lined back up at the starting line after 1 minute.

Each of the horses’ speeds are gauged on how many laps they can run in a single minute.
A new lap starts when they pass the starting line again, therefore, after the one-minute mark, they’ll all be back at the starting line again.
For completing puzzle 031, you earn a strange gizmo for the gizmo section in the menu.

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Where to find Puzzle 031?

Puzzle 031 – Racetrack Riddle is found by speaking to Marco on Manor Road when on your search for Ramon. You will need to speak to him twice for him to ask you to solve the puzzle.
How many picarats is Puzzle 031 worth?
Puzzle 031 is worth 30 picarats.
How to solve Puzzle 031?
There are three horses in a race that run at different speeds. How many minutes will pass until they’re all lined up at the starting line again?

The distance three racehorses can run around the racetrack in one minute is listed below.
Horse A: Two laps
Horse B: Three laps
Horse C: Four laps
The horses line up at the starting line and start running in the same direction. How many minutes will pass before all three horses line up at the starting line again?
Does the number of laps a horse can run matter to this puzzle?
Think about how each horse’s speed is calculated – how is each lap measured? What does that tell you?
What are the hints for Puzzle 031?
Hint 1

Someone in a hurry might jump to the conclusion that you need to find the lowest common multiple between the three numbers.
Read the problem over again and see if you can’t clear things up for yourself.
Hint 2

The three horses each run at different speeds. To measure the horses’ speeds, the problem tells you how many laps each horse can do in one minute.
The horses all run whole laps per minute, so at least you don’t have to deal with strange speeds.
Hint 3

One horse runs two laps in one minute, one runs three laps in one minute, and one runs four laps in one minute.
Where will the horses be one minute after they start running?
Puzzle 031 Answer
All the horses will be lined back up at the starting line after 1 minute.

Each of the horses’ speeds are gauged on how many laps they can run in a single minute.
A new lap starts when they pass the starting line again, therefore, after the one-minute mark, they’ll all be back at the starting line again.
For completing puzzle 031, you earn a strange gizmo for the gizmo section in the menu.

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