Where to find Puzzle 035?

Puzzle 035 – Strange Dots is found when talking to Deke when trying to pass through the clock tower doorway at the village Plaza, while on the search for Ramon in Chapter 3.
He won’t let you pass until you solve his puzzle.
How many picarats is Puzzle 035 worth?
Puzzle 035 is worth 20 picarats.
How to solve Puzzle 035?
Deke gives you three patterns corresponding to a number and asks you to use that information to decipher what a fourth pattern equals.

The dice below look normal enough, but if you look carefully, you should see a pattern start to emerge.
You know the following:
A = 0
B = 9
C = 6
So what does D correspond to?
You may very well be able to solve this puzzle at a single glance. If not, think about what the patterns might represent.
What are the hints for Puzzle 035?
Hint 1

Look at the different dice shown. Now look up from your game and think for a moment. Can you think of anything in your environment that shares a strong connection to numbers?
It’s something just about everyone sees on a daily basis.
Hint 2

The first hint states that the dice share a connection with an item in your environment that most people see on a daily basis. However, this item has come to take a completely different shape recently.
The newer version of this mystery item shares no connection with this puzzle.
Hint 3

The dice represent an object you are very familiar with.
In fact, you probably have one hanging on your wall or strapped to your wrist right now!
Puzzle 035 Answer
The pattern is equal to 3.

The patterns on the dice mirror the times on an analogue clock. The only part that may have confused you is pattern A being 0 rather than 12…
For completing puzzle 035, you earn a strange gizmo for the gizmo section in the menu.

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Where to find Puzzle 035?

Puzzle 035 – Strange Dots is found when talking to Deke when trying to pass through the clocktower doorway at the Village Square, while on the search for Ramon in Chapter 3.
He won’t let you pass until you solve his puzzle.
How many picarats is Puzzle 035 worth?
Puzzle 035 is worth 20 picarats.
How to solve Puzzle 035?
Deke gives you three patterns corresponding to a number and asks you to use that information to decipher what a fourth pattern equals.

The dice below look normal enough, but if you look carefully, there is a pattern.
You know the following:
A = 0
B = 9
C = 6
So what does D correspond to?
You may very well be able to solve this puzzle at a single glance. If not, think about what the patterns might represent.
What are the hints for Puzzle 035?
Hint 1

Look at the different dice shown. Now look up from your game and think for a moment. Can you think of anything in your environment that shares a strong connection to numbers?
It’s something just about everyone sees on a daily basis.
Hint 2

Hint 1 states that the dice share a connection with an item in your environment that most people see on a daily basis. However, this item has come to take a completely different shape recently.
The newer version of this mystery item shares no connection with this puzzle.
Hint 3

The dice represent an object you are very familiar with.
In fact, you probably have one hanging on your wall or strapped to your wrist right now!
Puzzle 035 Answer
The pattern is equal to 3.

The patterns on the dice mirror the times on an analogue clock. The only part that may have confused you is pattern A being 0 rather than 12…
For completing puzzle 035, you earn a strange gizmo for the gizmo section in the menu.

How did you find this guide? Let me know in the comments.