What are Furniture Items in Professor Layton and the Curious Village?
Furniture Items are a form of collectible in Professor Layton and the Curious Village. They are rewards for solving puzzles throughout the game. Alongside collecting the furniture, you’ll also need to make sure you give the furniture to the correct person.
The Furniture Item collectibles are unlocked after the village drawbridge is lifted in Chapter 2. When you speak with Beatrice in the village Inn, she will tell you that she only has rooms available without furniture… as you do.
After speaking to her, she will give you the Lacquered Stool and unlock the Inn option in the menu.

How many Furniture Items are there in Professor Layton and the Curious Village?
There are a total of 30 different Furniture Items to collect throughout St. Mystere.
Where to find All Furniture Items in Professor Layton and the Curious Village
Below is a list of every puzzle in Professor Layton and the Curious Village that rewards you with an item of furniture for solving it. It will also tell you who to give the item to.
Lacquered Stool

Speak with Beatrice at the Inn after the drawbridge has been raised.

Handmade Rug

Pine Bed

Blue Bed

Stuffed Bear

Cream Rug


Teak Bureau


Simple Chair


Pile of Books

Wall Clock

Splendid Painting

World Map

Flower Vase

Reading Lamp




Flower Bouquet

Stuffed Chair

Hat Rack



Artisan’s Teapot

Bone China Teacup

Mysterious Bottle

Baron Statue

Teak Table

Complete Inn Rooms

What do you get for finding all Furniture Items in Professor Layton and the Curious Village?
Once you’ve obtained all Furniture Items and successfully given them to the correct person, you’ll get a short scene between the Professor and Luke commending you for a job well-done.
You’ll then be told that you’ve unlocked “The Decorator’s House” section in Layton’s Challenges in the Bonuses Menu.

In The Decorator’s House Bonus section, you’ll gain access to 3 new challenge puzzles for you to test yourself with:
Puzzle ___ |
Puzzle ___ |
Puzzle ___ |
Puzzle ___ |
Puzzle ___ |
Puzzle ___ |