Professor Layton and the Curious Village: Puzzle 045 - Lunar Weight

Professor Layton and the Curious Village: Puzzle 045 (EU) Answer

Where to find Puzzle 045?

Finding Professor Layton and the Curious Village: Puzzle 045 - Lunar Weight

Puzzle 045 – Lunar Weight can be found by speaking to Adrea at the start of Chapter 4, after leaving the restaurant.

How many picarats is Puzzle 045 worth?

Puzzle 045 is worth 30 picarats.

How to solve Puzzle 045?

For this puzzle, you will need to decide what a measurement a set of scales will give for a 600 gram weight when on the moon.

Professor Layton and the Curious Village: Puzzle 045 - Lunar Weight Description

The force of gravity on the moon is about one-sixth of that on Earth. This means that on the moon, an object weighs about one-sixth what it does on Earth. If you bring a 600 gram weight and a scale to the moon and gently place the weight on the scale, which of the following weights will the scale indicate?

A: 0 grams

B: Lighter than 100 grams

C: Exactly 100 grams

D: Heavier than 100 grams

Scales work by the pressure that is applied to them. To make sure they give an accurate reading to what you want to weigh, there is often some form of plate or platform added to it so you can easily place things on top of the scales without your items moving.

Scales on Earth account for the weight of this platform and are set to 0 with this in mind.

But that’s only on Earth…

What are the hints for Puzzle 045?

Hint 1

Professor Layton and the Curious Village: Puzzle 045 - Lunar Weight Hint 1

To use a scale, you place the object to be weighed on top of the tray.

Do you see?

Hint 2

Professor Layton and the Curious Village: Puzzle 045 - Lunar Weight Hint 2

If the gravity is one-sixth, then a 600g object should weigh 100g.

But the question is, what weight is indicated on the scale?

Think about what parts a scale is made up of.

Hint 3

Professor Layton and the Curious Village: Puzzle 045 - Lunar Weight Hint 3

When there’s nothing on the tray, a scale will show 0g. But the tray itself also has a certain weight, you know.

That weight will also be one-sixth on the moon.

Puzzle 045 Answer

The correct answer is B: less than 100g

Professor Layton and the Curious Village: Puzzle 045 - Lunar Weight Answer Screen

It isn’t just the 600g weight that’s affected by the moon’s gravity.

The platform that you’re placing the weight on will also be one-sixth lighter. The scale is adjusted to Earth’s gravity, not the moon. So the scale won’t show 0g to begin with; its starting point is less than 0g.

For completing puzzle 045, you earn one of the painting scraps for the painting in the menu.

Professor Layton and the Curious Village Painting Scrap 6

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