Professor Layton and the Curious Village Puzzle 045 (US) - Puzzled Aliens

Professor Layton and the Curious Village: Puzzle 045 (US) Answer

Where to find Puzzle 045?

Finding Professor Layton and the Curious Village: Puzzle 045 - Puzzled Aliens

Puzzle 045 – Puzzled Aliens can be found by speaking to Adrea at the start of Chapter 4, after leaving the restaurant.

How many picarats is Puzzle 045 worth?

Puzzle 045 is worth 30 picarats.

How to solve Puzzle 045?

For this puzzle, you will need to figure what object the aliens are perplexed about.

Professor Layton and the Curious Village: Puzzle 045 - Puzzled Aliens Description

From high in the sky, a pair of aliens observes humans using a bizarre object. Perplexed, one alien turns to the other and says:

“How strange. The Earthling is opening a hole in a sheet of paper and marking it with a line to show the other Earthlings where the hole is. I’ve never seen anything like it!”

What could these extraterrestrial visitors be talking about?

There are a couple of aspects to this puzzle that can trip you up, such as “marking it with a line”.

Would it make things easier for you, if I were to say “marking it with a circle” instead?

What are the hints for Puzzle 045?

Hint 1

Professor Layton and the Curious Village: Puzzle 045 - Puzzled Aliens Hint 1

Even something as common as paper can look bizarre to someone who’s never seen it before.

What kind of device puts holes in paper?

It must have a needle or sharp point on it.

Hint 2

Professor Layton and the Curious Village: Puzzle 045 - Puzzled Aliens Hint 2

This object uses a needle to punch a hole in a sheet of paper.

Then it’s used to draw a solid line around the hole. Since it draws a line, it must have some sort of writing implement attached to it.

Hint 3

Professor Layton and the Curious Village: Puzzle 045 - Puzzled Aliens Hint 3

It’s safe to say that very few people ever use these once they grow up and join the working world.

However, because of math class, a startling number of students probably have one in their bag or their desk at home.

Puzzle 045 Answer

The correct answer is Compass.

Professor Layton and the Curious Village: Puzzle 045 - Puzzled Aliens Answer Screen

A compass is a pretty obscure piece of apparatus, so if you’ve been out of school for a while, or have never really used one yet, then this can be a super confusing question.

The hints for this puzzle are actually super helpful, so it may be worth saving before attempting a puzzle, claim the hints and then reset with the answer ready to go!

For completing puzzle 045, you earn one of the painting scraps for the painting in the menu.

Professor Layton and the Curious Village Painting Scrap 6

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