Professor Layton and the Curious Village: Puzzle 062 (EU) - A Tricky Inheritance

Professor Layton and the Curious Village: Puzzle 062 (EU) Answer

Where to find Puzzle 062?

Professor Layton and the Curious Village: Puzzle 062 - A Tricky Inheritance Location

Puzzle 062 – A Tricky Inheritance can be found by speaking to Inspector Chelmey in the Manor Parlour, at the start of Chapter 5.

How many picarats is Puzzle 062 worth?

Puzzle 062 is worth 40 picarats.

How to solve Puzzle 062?

For puzzle 062, you’ll need to figure out who the criminal mastermind is from a strange note.

Puzzle overview for Professor Layton and the Curious Village: Puzzle 062 - A Tricky Inheritance

A man made a rather unusual stipulation in his will regarding which of his three sons would inherit his estate.

“To the one who can work out the area of this triangular section of my estate, I bestow the entire inheritance.”

Now the man has passed away and his sons are at a loss! Finding the area of his perfectly square estate is easy, but no one can find the area of the triangle.

Can you find the answer?

This can certainly be a daunting puzzle to try and solve.

However, it does become a cinch when you know how to work out the area of a right-angle.

What are the hints for Puzzle 062?

Hint 1

Professor Layton and the Curious Village: Puzzle 062 - A Tricky Inheritance Hint 1

Let’s review the method for finding the area of a right-angled triangle. You simply multiply the lengths of the two sides that make the right angle, and divide by 2.

You can use this method to solve the puzzle.

Hint 2

Professor Layton and the Curious Village: Puzzle 062 - A Tricky Inheritance Hint 2

The only lengths you know for the square-shaped estate are 10m and 20m, so it should be easy to work things out. From the corner to the 10m point is half the length of a side of the square.

By drawing extra lines from these points, you can easily find the answer.

Hint 3

Professor Layton and the Curious Village: Puzzle 062 - A Tricky Inheritance Hint 3

It’s difficult to work out the area of the triangle directly, but’s a lot easier to find out the areas of the three smaller triangles surrounding it.

If you find those areas and subtract them from the area of the square, you’ll have the area of the large triangle.

Although there is an even better way…

Puzzle 062 Answer

The area of the triangle is 150.

Answer screen for Professor Layton and the Curious Village: Puzzle 062 - A Tricky Inheritance

The answer screen makes the solution seem much more complicated. Following the hints is probably the easiest way to go if you were having trouble.

Instead of working out the area of the triangle, it’s actually easier to work out the area around the triangle.

Just subtract the areas of the three outer triangles from the area of the square and there you go!

For completing puzzle 062, you’ll receive a painting scrap for the painting section in the menu.

Professor Layton and the Curious - painting scrap 13

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